10-Step Skincare Routine Guide, Tutorial: Why, What, How To
Ten points before we go any further:
- This is not about a typical Korean skincare routine. I use a mixture of mainstream and Korean brands.
- Nor is it a strict 10-step skincare routine. You will find suggestions with just four products. Or even 12 steps.
- This regimen is only at night. I have a life. My morning routine is a condensed 4-5 step version and includes SPF. That is for another post.
- Do not wake up tomorrow and decide to pile on 10 products at one go. Step by step. Introduce one product into your routine at a time. Build up to it gradually. I began with no/three steps.
- There is no panacea out there. Some things work for some people. So include whatever suits you in your *-step routine.
- Your mileage
maywill vary. Read that again. And again. Customise the routine according to your skin type. Skip/combine/split up/add steps. - You can use spot treatment, hyaluronic acid, a rinse-off mask, a sleeping pack, and a sheet mask on the same day you use Vitamin C. You can add every step you can think of and do a 20-step routine. Entirely up to your skin.
- My skin type is acne-prone, and very oily (the kind where countries think of replacing their oil export deals with my face).
- An FAQ post will be posted tomorrow. Detailed posts on each step are also in the works.
- Verbose post ahead.
Scroll down for the Ultimate 10-Step Skincare Routine Guide and Tutorial.
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