Cosmetopia Digest Beauty and Makeup Blog: Routine



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Showing posts with label Routine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Routine. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

10-Step Skincare Routine Guide, Tutorial: Why, What, How To

Ten points before we go any further:
  1. This is not about a typical Korean skincare routine. I use a mixture of mainstream and Korean brands. 
  2. Nor is it a strict 10-step skincare routine. You will find suggestions with just four products. Or even 12 steps.
  3. This regimen is only at night. I have a life. My morning routine is a condensed 4-5 step version and includes SPF. That is for another post. 
  4. Do not wake up tomorrow and decide to pile on 10 products at one go. Step by step. Introduce one product into your routine at a time. Build up to it gradually. I began with no/three steps.
  5. There is no panacea out there. Some things work for some people. So include whatever suits you in your *-step routine.
  6. Your mileage may will vary. Read that again. And again. Customise the routine according to your skin type. Skip/combine/split up/add steps.
  7. You can use spot treatment, hyaluronic acid, a rinse-off mask, a sleeping pack, and a sheet mask on the same day you use Vitamin C. You can add every step you can think of and do a 20-step routine. Entirely up to your skin. 
  8. My skin type is acne-prone, and very oily (the kind where countries think of replacing their oil export deals with my face).
  9. An FAQ post will be posted tomorrow. Detailed posts on each step are also in the works.
  10. Verbose post ahead. 

Scroll down for the Ultimate 10-Step Skincare Routine Guide and Tutorial.  

 Ultimate 10-Step Skincare Routine Guide + Tutorial: Layering and Order - Why, What and How To,
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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Beauty Blogger Tag

One of my earliest beauty-blogger friends and my first box-swap buddy, the lovely Elle May, tagged me on this post. Please do visit her lovely blog - she has a great sense of style and beauty and, her sister does some amazing layouts.
Here are the rules to do this tag:
1. State who the tag was created by: The Beau Bow 
2. Tag five beauty bloggers, and 
3. Title this like I have done to state what the tag is about.